Palmview Phase One Reopening Plan
To: Palmview Residents and Family Members
From: Jackie Fair, Palmview Administrator
Re: Phase One Service Restoration Plan
Date: September 18, 2020
With the declining COVID-19 positivity rate in Lee County, we have received approval to move to Phase One Service Restoration for Palmview residents beginning Monday, September 21. Keep in mind that residents are required to wear masks and social distance when outside of their apartment. To mitigate the risks of a potential infection, resident should continue to follow the CDC Recommendations for infection prevention at the bottom of this plan.
Assisted Living (AL) and Memory Support (MS) Phase One Service Restoration:
- Phase One continues to restrict visitors/guests from entering the community per the Palmview Visitation Plan. Please contact the PV Administrator if you have specific questions. General visitation continues at our outdoor lanai – please contact the Concierge for more information or to schedule a visit.
- Residents who leave the GCV grounds will not be required to quarantine for 14 days upon return. Instead all residents returning to Palmview will be screened and temperature checked, and should self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19, including: fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Please contact your nurse or notify the Concierge if you experience any of these symptoms.
- Beauty and barber shops can re-open following CDC and state guidance. We will inform your when P.S. Salon is able to start making appointments.
- The first floor AL Dining Rooms will re-open for assisted living residents on floors 1 and 2, with up to 50% capacity. When we are ready to begin this service we will inform you via a separate letter as to the specific plans. MS dining will continue as it is currently operating.
- Daily resident temperature taking and symptom monitoring will be continued.
- Small group activities will be allowed to resume in the activity/common area spaces, but residents are required to wear masks and practice good hand hygiene. Group size limited to 10 or fewer residents, with social distancing of 6 feet between residents.
- Outdoor courtyard activities can resume with monitoring and social distancing.
- Residents will be allowed to use the AL fitness area 1 (one) at-a-time (self-monitored). Sanitizer will be available for residents to wipe down hard surfaces before/after use. Gloves are provided for resident use in the fitness room. Residents will be asked to use hand sanitizer as they exit the area.
- Vendors/Contractors will be allowed into the community. They will be screened and have temperatures taken at arrival, and must wear a mask when in any common areas. Vendors/Contractors should avoid resident contact.
- Prospects may enter the building after screening, temperature check and masking to tour vacant apartments for future GCV residency. Prospects must be escorted to and from the available apartments by a member of our sales team and may not dine with other residents in the dining room. Prospects will be provided with infection-prevention and control education on PPE, masks, hand sanitation and social distancing.
- Staff will clean and disinfect (with EPA approved hospital-rated disinfectants) activity and common high touch areas frequently throughout the day.
All residents should continue to self-monitor their health. Changes to this Phase One service restoration are subject to change based on Lee County’s COVID-19 positivity rate and Administration discretion.
To mitigate the risks of a potential infection residents should continue to:
- Wear Mask while outside apartment and in public;
- Follow social distancing (minimum of 6 feet apart);
- Wash hands frequently or use hand sanitizer;
- Do not touch face;
- Avoid contact with individuals who have been exposed and/or exhibit signs and symptoms of COVID-19;
- Participate in gatherings of only 10 or less;
- Minimize time spent in common areas of the building.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this worldwide pandemic together.