Palmview Visitation Update
Date: October 14, 2020 and effective immediately
Dear Palmview Residents and Family Members,
As many of you may know by now, I have replaced Jackie Fair as the acting Palmview Administrator. My direct line is 239-574-4575 if you ever need to reach me, or gr***@gu**************.org.
We just received word this morning that the COVID-19 positivity rate for the past week in Lee County is increasing, and is again over 5%. Thus, we are once again going to move to more restrictive visitation guidelines.
Per the Agency for Health Care Administration guidelines, general visitation will need to be:
- Scheduled with our Concierge (239-500-1433) in advance.
- Limited to outdoor lanai visitation (resident is inside our lanai on the west side of the building, general visitors are outside).
- Resident and visitor must wear a face mask at all times, and must be monitored by a GCV staff member. No touching is allowed and visitors must maintain 6 feet of separation from the resident.
- Visitors must come to the main entrance and be screened and temperature checked prior to their visit, and sign an acknowledgement that they have been given COVID-19 education on infection control and our visitation policy.
- Visitation is prohibited if the resident or visitor has symptoms of COVID-19, including: fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
- There are exceptions to the general visitation rule for ‘Essential’ and ‘Compassionate’ visits inside Palmview, as when a loved one is actively passing. Please call me to discuss further.
Residents who leave the building to go out with family and friends will need to quarantine for 14 days upon their return (self-isolate in their room) to avoid possibly spreading the coronavirus.
We realize the holidays are fast approaching and everyone wants to be together, but with the virus on the increase in SWFL we need to be vigilant in keeping Covid-19 out of Palmview. Please do not gather in our lobby entrance. Please do practice social distancing from other visitors and staff when you are here to drop something off in our vestibule or have a scheduled appointment.
Thank you!
Greg Anderson
Associate Executive Director and acting Palmview Administrator